Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

Birthing ideas

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A beautiful post on Germination of Ideas by my dear friend Ali Anani brought me to spring forth with some of my reflections.

Birthing ideas…

Ideas find their own way to germinate
At times they stay dormant almost invisible and untraceable.
And sometimes they emerge out of nowhere
As if they have a mind all their own.

So whether there are plenty of ideas or one is starved of ideas.
It matters not where they originated from…if it is the mind or heart spaces.
But it matters what path they take how they are applied?
What seeds they sprout in the emergence?

And yet, an idea that remains undeveloped, unappreciated today becomes a genius breakthrough someday.

On too much and too less

Too much of liberty and free will
At times may lead to aimless explorations and confusions.
Too less freedom leads to slavery and subjugation.
Too much thinking can create stress and be overwhelming
Too many ideas can be hard to contain.
Too little fodder for thoughts leads to bland existence.
It’s our choice actually…
Are we to live or simply exist?

Is there a paradox of enrichment?

Is overdoing a crime
To answer this, I ask
Is there bad in the good and good in the bad?
Too much of anything will lose its charm and character.
Appreciation declines and contentment reduces.

As it all turns to excess!

So I believe in equanimity that comes in finding equilibrium
Moderation is the key.
Too much sadness is unbearable
Too much happiness may lead to boredom.
For in too much of the good times
Values are lost and things are taken for granted.

Let there be a balance
In thoughts words and deeds
So there is neither depression of deprivations
Nor extravagance in enrichments.

Guess like ideas find their way to shoot in suitable time in time.

Like life itself, ideas also know how to balance and counterbalance themselves in life and living.

Life itself is a great idea after all!

What say, aren’t you one?🙂👍


Author: Savvy Raj

Dance Educator, Writer, Artist, Designer, Wellness Mentor & Consultant

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