Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

Art of Management


Here are 5 R’s of Coaching

& Conflict Resolution.

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. So a team or an organization is more than just the number of individual members put together.


To bring different factions into consideration and consensus it is necessary to reframe the issues in a more inclusive way that speaks for one and all. It is important to validate the needs and apprehensions of all to find common ground.

All are parts of an interdependent system.
So every move impacting one will impact one and all.

Remember :
The strength is in the interconnects.

So think beyond the immediate self and work towards envisioning & understanding the larger picture.

Resolve :

Be inclusive and expansive.

Be mindful to be positively impactful.

In every organization whenever there is a need to examine the pressing issues of individual human nature and/ or behavior in a team and come to a resolution, it is mindful to be aware of the surfacing of hidden dynamics at play in communication and its impact on personal /professional relationships.

Any mediation is, after all, a process of balancing the ways of engaging, managing and productively finding resolutions that can help make a positive difference towards peace and goodwill.


Author: Savvy Raj

Dance Educator, Writer, Artist, Designer, Wellness Mentor & Consultant

2 thoughts on “Art of Management

  1. Wonderful points for better communication and management shared.

    Liked by 1 person

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