Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

Make sure


If you ask for peace in and around you,
Make sure to co-create the conditions for peace.
Let go the dramas that may arise in time
Every one has a battle we know nothing of.

If you want to help make a difference
Make sure … to move from your soul
Speak from the heart
And connect in the spirit of benevolence.

Care genuinely, be truly concerned
Make sure to ask about another’s wellbeing
Not for the sake of asking
But from the place of love and empathy.

Then sit back watch your world
Transform itself in front of you
Encourage Appreciate and be Grateful
Respect, believe and keep the faith

In trust and hopefulness

For your deepest intentions do come true!


Author: Savvy Raj

Dance Educator, Writer, Artist, Designer, Wellness Mentor & Consultant

6 thoughts on “Make sure

  1. Different experience.. and good perspesion


  2. Perfect…love this gentle nudge to become active, co-responsible for creating the peace we all seek…beautiful, and much needed, thank you my dear Savvy. Blessings and love *doves cooing**hummingbirds**hearts smiling*

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truly we need to be ready to co-create whatever change we wish to see. Every bit of motivation can help ourselves as much as the others around us. Thank you for your lovely response. Heartfelt Smiles.


  3. Yes, I am that Genuinely caring person.


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