Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

Changing Seasons


With sizzling weather &scorching heat

As the sun bore us down without respite

A welcome change is just around the corner

As whisps of breeze, teases the leaves today…

For across the horizon the summer sky is giving way

Monsoon is playing hide and seek

Waltzing with fluffs of white clouds until they turn grey.

And engulfing the clear blue sky

Finally rain has made an appearance

Signaling showers of abundance.

Yes to the changing seasons

To cool the earth and naturally so!


Author: Savvy Raj

Dance Educator, Writer, Artist, Designer, Wellness Mentor & Consultant

8 thoughts on “Changing Seasons

  1. Lovely poem, I love the rains 💖

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Saania. Yes indeed! It has been an extremely scorching summer and rain is truly welcome. I love how the entire landscape changes lush green and vibrant with even a little bit of rain.🙏

      Liked by 1 person

  2. 😍😍love love love rains!
    Beautiful poem as always!♥️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yay! Yay! How welcome are these showers from heaven. Mother Earth and us rejoice! Thank you for these words that take us there and make us dance! 🙂


  4. Wow good to know it has appeared. It still is playing hide and seek here. Hopeful for that earthy scent after the shower.
    Loved it!🤘😀


  5. Lovely…rain in its season is a blessing, such a sweet sensation to every living thing to have enough. Blessings and much sweetness to you, sweet Savvy, much love *willows in misty rain**garden blossoms in dew**butterflies dancing

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well said Joan. Everything in its time and season is always a beautiful blessing. Such is the wisdom of nature..Sending you lots of love and blessings as well my dear friend. Have a wonderful weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

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