Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

Thriving In The Winds of Change


In a world of kneejerk reactions

And sense gratifications

It is no wonder that most of us are lost

In finding our sense of being. 

In fact this very cluelessness 

Is what the media manipulates

As we grapple with trust, faith

And a whole lot of values and emotions

That seem to get all juggled around

As per the  conveniences of the moment.

We are living in the crosswinds of time 

Where we are unable to flow in trust

As the winds of change blow hot and cold.

Life takes on a different meaning 

Sometimes in path u cant identify your being.

In such moments of chaos and confusions 

Put Your inner compass to test in trust 

It will never lead you astray!


Author: Savvy Raj

Dance Educator, Writer, Artist, Designer, Wellness Mentor & Consultant

4 thoughts on “Thriving In The Winds of Change

  1. This is timely poetry! Kudos

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