Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

A Perspective of Advocacy


A mind-boggling perspective on Advocacy came my way !! 🙂

College Student Group asked a lawyer
*So what does ‘advocacy’ mean?”*

Lawyer said:
*I will present an example for this!*

*Suppose two people come to me, one is very clean and the other is very dirty. I advise both of them to get clean and take bath.*

*Now you guys tell me, who among them will take a shower ?? “*

One student said: *”The one who is dirty will take a shower.”*

The lawyer said:

*No, but the clean person will do it, because he has the habit of bathing, while the dirty does not know the importance of cleaning*

*Lawyer :: Now tell who will take a shower ?? “*

The second student said: *Clean person*

The lawyer said:
*No, but the dirty person will take a bath because he is the one who needs cleaning.*

*Now tell who will take a shower ?? “*

Two students said: *”The one who is dirty will take a shower.”*

The lawyer said:
*”No, but both will take a bath because the clean person has a habit of bathing, while the dirty one needs a bath.*

*Now tell who will take a shower ?? “*

Now three students speak together: *”Both of them will take a shower.”*

The lawyer said:
*”Wrong, no one will take a bath, because dirty is not used to bathing, whereas clean one does not need to bathe*

*Now tell who will take a shower ?? “*

A student politely said:
*”You give a different answer every time and every answer seems to be correct. How do we know the correct answer ???”*

Lawyer said:
*This is just ‘advocacy’! It is not important what the reality is*
*The important thing is, how many possible arguments can you offer to prove your point.* “😂

Author: Savvy Raj

Dance Educator, Writer, Artist, Designer, Wellness Mentor & Consultant

5 thoughts on “A Perspective of Advocacy

  1. Hehe Savvy Actually
    ‘The Dirty Person’
    Perhaps Homeless
    Naked May Have

    More Resilience

    To DiSEaSE

    And Not

    Worry So

    Much To An

    Early Death


    Opine Them

    True It Will

    Be Hard

    To See Who

    Is Richer The

    Naked Dirty


    PeRSoN Or

    The One

    In The


    Robe Covering
    Dirt Too Deep


    To BREaTHE Free🎭

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lol.. Too good.. 👍🏻😆👌🏻👌🏻


  3. Pingback: Shared from Savvy Raj.. ‘A Perspective of Advocacy’.. Enjoy..👍🏻😆 | Thoughtsmith

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